about the project
The Project
Accessible Work for All is a project with 4 partners from Austria, Germany, Italy and Poland. The project promotes equality, non-discrimination and diversity. How? By providing information on employment and employment regulations in accessible or barrier-free digital formats. This means that Deaf job seekers can find support and information online in their first language – Sign Language. As well as Austrian, German, Italian and Polish Sign Languages, we use plain text, drawings and animation to make the information easier to understand.
There are three outputs:
“Analysis and Abstract” is a digital survey, analysis and transnational report. Deaf jobseekers are asked questions about employment regulations. The survey results are analysed and summarised in a written report.
“Accessible Toolkit” is a collection of accessible information videos on employment regulations. The videos use Sign Language and plain text subtitles with drawings and visual images.
“Information is Empowerment” is a training package and digital handbook. The training uses blended learning. Blended learning is a mix of methods using online and digital materials, as well as traditional classroom-based training. The training will be tested by deaf job seekers.